Vienna - The Making of a Metropolis Deutsche Version dieser Tour
Centuries of political, cultural and intellectual history have accumulated in Vienna. We trace its&nbsp;roots back to the days of the ancient Roman Empire. Under Charlemagne Austria&nbsp;became part of&nbsp;the Holy Roman Empire and thus of&nbsp;German speaking Europe. For over 600 years its political development was determined by the Habsburgs.&nbsp;Maria Theresa's reign coincided with Austria's Golden Age. The era of Emperor Franz Joseph witnessed the Empire's last heydays followed by the&nbsp;collapse of the monarchy&nbsp;in 1918. With&nbsp;the "Anschluss", the annexation of Austria by Hitler’s&nbsp;Third Reich, Vienna lost its function as&nbsp;a&nbsp;capital city and became a centre of Nazi terror. The war left Vienna in ruins, the following ten years it was a divided city under Allied control. <br><br>But Vienna has risen from the ashes and has once again become a&nbsp;thriving&nbsp;cosmopolitan&nbsp;city&nbsp;and an active member of the European Union and UN Headquarters city.
Meeting Point 1., Stephansplatz, right of the main entrance to the cathedral
Dates There are no dates for this tour but it can be booked individually for a group