Jewish Vienna - In the Maelstrom of History Deutsche Version dieser Tour
There have been Jewish communities in Vienna on and off since the 13th century, times of peace, religious freedom and prosperity but also times of growing anti-Semitism, persecution, expulsion and death. This illustrated tour offers an overview of the varying fates of the Viennese Jewry. Stops include the Simon Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, the Community Centre of the IKG (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde), the Gestapo Memorial on Morzinplatz, and the Documentation Centre of the Austrian Resistance. The tour ends on Judenplatz where Rachel Whiteread's Holocaust Memorial next to the Jewish Museum commemorates the Austrian victims of the Shoah.
Meeting Point 1., Judenplatz 3-4
Dates There are no dates for this tour but it can be booked individually for a group
  • After the tour you may want to visit the Jewish Museum Judenplatz (which focusses on the excavation of the medieval synagogue and medieval Jewish Vienna)